The relationship Between Fashion and Lifestyle

 First, let's look at what fashion is. It is the current popular style or practice, including clothing, shoes, or accessories.It mainly refers to current trends in a person's appearance and dressing style (Cumming 234). Most of the time, fashion is confusingly associated with costume. When someone talks about fashion, they mean fashion related to textiles.Fashion is believed to have originated in the Western world and has been copied from elsewhere. We will look at which groups of people are most affected. The paper further examines how media are used to communicate fashion from one region to another. Although it has been shown to affect people's lives, many people have a different perspective on fashion and clothing.

Historically, Western travelers have noticed the slow pace of lifestyle and fashion change in Turkey and Persia. I felt I was missing (Cumming 234). For the most part, changes in fashion and clothing style were closely related to economic and social changes. In developing countries, the arrival of white people in the Middle East initiated a change in fashion. The changes began in the 11th century when the Turks came to Central Asia and the Far East. In Europe, the constant change in clothing fashion probably began in the middle of the 14th century. ).The appearance of changes in men's fashion was followed by changes in women's fashion ... the middle of the paper...

...daily according to the observed trend. More recently, it has been observed wearing smart casual on Fridays.As a result, businesses are allowing their employees to dress up so they can mingle with customers from other industries. As social trends change, so does the way we dress. People are adopting a walking lifestyle, which makes wearing a suit a hassle.In addition, the demand for apparel fashion that can handle all daily activities is increasing.

In summary, fashion speaks to one's social signals, and people dress in designs that fit their social class—just as demographics, social activities, and fashion change over time. Fashion made clothes comfortable. Everything should be done with minimal effort and time.

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